Pack your bags now: A revolutionary form of travel is here

Who needs an Airbus A380 when you can travel upwards of 700mph on the ground?   Granted, you wouldn’t be able to travel overseas, but the thrill would surely compensate.  Plus, right now may not be the best of times to travel to Europe with all the recent political turmoil.

Just looking at the cover photo over which the Bullet Coaster logo is transposed immerses the viewer in a breathtaking landscape (perhaps capturing a snapshot of the expansive American West).  California (where the Bullet Coaster is presumably headquartered, offering trips between Los Angeles and San Francisco) has never seemed like such an appealing summer getaway.

Sure, I may have to take a plane to Los Angeles before embarking on the Bullet Coaster, but I’m confident that experiencing such high speeds will be exhilarating and completely worth it.


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