STEM: Gender Matters

Sophia Blackslead_960 Femme STEM science curriculum piqued my curiosity about women in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math.

At first I was shocked to see that men make up roughly 75% of this field. But, after thinking about it, that sounds pretty accurate considering why women aren’t drawn to these kinds of studies. Society often pins STEM as ‘un-cool’ or ‘meant for boys’ because of their challenging nature. I don’t believe there’s enough encouragement among young girls to go after these subjects from a young age.

Sophia, I applaud Femme STEM for taking on this issue. Your logo and images drew me in, but I stayed for your message of ensuring women have a safe and comfortable place to explore the sciences.

By creating these programs at a young age you’re potentially offering women the opportunity for future high-paying, sought-after jobs, and that will go a long way.

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