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My Favorite Martian has an Amazing Apartment!

Review Of Elizabeth Cowee’s Assignment #4


Ever wonder if we’re alone in the universe? Is there life out there among the stars? Elizabeth Cowee, a student at Hofstra University, wants to make sure there is. She has drafted a Design for a Space Residency Development that would allow our planet-ravaging species to live in space (More specifically, to be used on Mars).

It’s sad to think about it, but one day our lovely little blue planet will run out of resources, and like the Shyamalan aliens from Signs we’ll have to seek out another planet for their resources… Hopefully we will have better luck, and with the ControColony designs, utilizing 3D printer technology, the human race will endure.

The images provided by the brand fittingly communicates the their name and theme, as well as showing images of their target audience (youngin’s that can tolerate the 150-300 day trip)


The aptly named residency, a combination of the words controllable and colony, would provide us with food, shelter, and energy. I wonder how much rent is? With the Evidence of Gentrification Found on Mars, it sounds like a nice, gated, up-and-coming neighborhood. Facebook followers have already begun to show their full support of ControColony’s mission.

I only have one real question (and it’s a real question because I honestly don’t know)… Why another planet? I mean, Mars is a wonderful destination, lovely and red and probably very scenic but, if we can create a sustainable residency that provides for us on Mars, why couldn’t we just pitch up shop on our own barren planet. Kind of like a Staycation. I also wonder if a colony on Mars would create a rift, or Revolution similar to when England decided to set up colonies in America… Didn’t work out too well for them, but I am hopeful that future Martians (Martian-Americans?) will be more dependable.

All in all the idea, design, and promotion of this design is on point and I would love to see it grow to fruition.

Posted by Anastasia Kovolisky

Review by Eyanna

I chose this blog because for some odd reason, her name, Sophia Black, was appealing to the eye. Browsing through Sophia’s assignment four, I was elated to see that her logo embodied the topic that she chose in assignment one, young women in technology.

I found her logo to be elegant, pretty yet simple. I loved the pictures that she chose, young girls that could be the face of the product/service she was creating. Sophia also did a nice job of integrating pictures and logo, I just wish she didn’t block the girls’ faces.

Sophia did a great job with both her logo and Facebook page, if it was the real deal, it would be something I would be interested in for myself or for younger girls to be apart of. After all, we do need more women (young, old and in between) in the tech world.femme stem.png