Category: Uncategorized

Review of Anastasia Kovolisky’s Assignment #4

I found that Anastasia’s assignment #4 was good overall. However I did find that there was room for some improvement.

Things that I saw that were good:

-The Logo type looked very professional and elegant

-The pictures came out very good, nice balance between the logo and the background

Things that I saw that could be improved:

-Slide 15, She could have separated into three slides, each with their own pictures

-Slide 19, would have separated into separate slide. Slide has too much going on.

Overall I liked visiting her page, the pictures where pleasing to the eye and she did a very good job of making here logo and Facebook page.

Social Media Branding

STEM: Gender Matters

Sophia Blackslead_960 Femme STEM science curriculum piqued my curiosity about women in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math.

At first I was shocked to see that men make up roughly 75% of this field. But, after thinking about it, that sounds pretty accurate considering why women aren’t drawn to these kinds of studies. Society often pins STEM as ‘un-cool’ or ‘meant for boys’ because of their challenging nature. I don’t believe there’s enough encouragement among young girls to go after these subjects from a young age.

Sophia, I applaud Femme STEM for taking on this issue. Your logo and images drew me in, but I stayed for your message of ensuring women have a safe and comfortable place to explore the sciences.

By creating these programs at a young age you’re potentially offering women the opportunity for future high-paying, sought-after jobs, and that will go a long way.

You will travel in Bullet Coaster

When the time I saw Julia Chiacchiere’s blog, the idea attracted me deeply. The name, Bullet Coaster, portrays a virtual scenery for me. The arrow, pass through the letter, highlights the quick speed of Bullet Coaster. In this way, people can go anywhere within few minutes.

When you want to see the beauty of Phuket Island, with this specific train next hour you will be enjoying the sunshine on the Phuket Island’s beach. Without this high-technology Bullet Coaster, an Australian could never be able to, say, take a day off, watch a football game on the opposite side of the planet. With Bullet Coaster, never will a Chinese professor travel by air to an academic meeting in America for more than ten hours, and step out of the plane with an exhausted body.

I hope someday this specific train can be created and people will get more benefits from this technology.


Student Review- Julia Chiacchiere

Julia Chiacchiere developed this amazing concept for transportation in modern times. She used a new technological innovation and created her own version, known as the bullet coaster. I really like the design aspect of the bullet coaster. I truly think it is a revolutionary approach to modern transportation. However the mph scare me a bit. I’m wondering what are the risk to moving at such a incredible speed?



“How a human being will handle the “bumps in the road”, or the undesired accelerations, that are going to come along with such a trip”- Ethan Siegel  (Forbes Magazine). How expensive would it be? How will it affect society as whole? There are risk to any technological advancement. However the greater the risk the greater the reward! Needless to say I am excited to learn more about your bullet coaster!

Student Review (Justin Marks –> Sophia Black)

I give some serious props to Sophia Black.  As a student at Hofstra University, Sophia is attempting to conquer a very controversial, yet pressing topic within our contemporary society; gender equality in the workplace.  She makes a great point by stating that women are highly underrepresented in the technology industry. With that said, she created Femme Stem, a program that streamlines middle school females into studies that promote science and technology.


Personally, I think this is exactly what we need in our society.  Young women would surely benefit from exploring various sciences at a pubescent age, building a lasting passion for the sciences.  Looking at it from a statistical perspective, 89% of all tech executives are male, leaving a measly 11% representative of females.  These numbers are drastic and I think it’s time for change. I believe with Sophia’s program, there’s a new dawn on the horizon.

Enhanced hearing through a new app

Have you ever attended a concert or event where the noise was so loudly overwhelming?  On the contrary, have you ever been sitting at the dinner table unable to understand anyone because they are speaking so quietly?  Justin Marks’ new app Audihance will manipulate the sound waves around you in order to create an ideal volume for the user.

While looking at Audihance’s Facebook page, the logotype and cover photo immediately stood out to me.  Including the expanded and full logotype as the cover photo was an excellent and impactful decision, and the logotype itself is wonderfully designed and fitting for the app.  However, I wonder technically about how the app will distinguish background noise from the subject noise.  Also, will there be special headphones required to make the app effective?

Overall, I would be very excited to watch Audihance develop. It will be revolutionary to the world of hearing aids and disabilities.

-Elizabeth Cowee


Pack your bags now: A revolutionary form of travel is here

Who needs an Airbus A380 when you can travel upwards of 700mph on the ground?   Granted, you wouldn’t be able to travel overseas, but the thrill would surely compensate.  Plus, right now may not be the best of times to travel to Europe with all the recent political turmoil.

Just looking at the cover photo over which the Bullet Coaster logo is transposed immerses the viewer in a breathtaking landscape (perhaps capturing a snapshot of the expansive American West).  California (where the Bullet Coaster is presumably headquartered, offering trips between Los Angeles and San Francisco) has never seemed like such an appealing summer getaway.

Sure, I may have to take a plane to Los Angeles before embarking on the Bullet Coaster, but I’m confident that experiencing such high speeds will be exhilarating and completely worth it.
